發表時間 |
文章標題 |
人氣 |
2010-10-21 |
[San Jose] 歡喜樓--喔喔...油條很好吃!!
(2637) |
2010-09-20 |
(1174) |
2010-09-15 |
[San Mateo] 毛主席的菜
(1131) |
2010-09-14 |
[Foster City] 名廚 Joy Restaurant
(2615) |
2010-07-08 |
2009 Memorial day-McArthur Burney Fall Memorial SP
(327) |
2010-04-16 |
Go!! NTUAC!! Cherry Blossom in Washington DC~
(369) |
2010-03-10 |
2010 0228 Wawona Snowshoe Trip
(248) |
2010-03-02 |
2010 情人節-Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve
(287) |
2010-02-08 |
阿母!!我上了Half Dome啦!! (番外篇)
(256) |
2010-02-07 |
阿母!!我上了Half Dome啦!! (下)
(549) |
2010-02-03 |
阿母!!我上了Half Dome啦!! (中)
(415) |
2010-02-02 |
阿母!!我上了Half Dome啦!! (上)
(254) |
2010-01-25 |
夏天就要BBQ~~Solano Lake in Winters
(228) |
2009-08-17 |
2009 Spring Break-Death Valley Day 2
(322) |
2009-08-14 |
2009 Spring Break-Death Valley Day 1
(525) |
2009-06-17 |
(433) |
2009-05-18 |
2009 Spring Break-Las Vegas
(659) |
2009-05-09 |
2009 Spring Break-Point Reyes
(210) |
2009-04-10 |
Florida Disney 玩樂小心得
(479) |
2009-04-10 |
[Bay Area]寧記麻辣火鍋, Newark, CA
(2781) |
2009-04-07 |
[Sacramento] Pine Tree House, Sacramento, CA
(1088) |
2009-03-30 |
[Berkeley] 川味軒 China Village Restaurant, Albany, CA
(2500) |
2009-03-19 |
2009 Happy New Year-Atalanta--> Sacramento
(111) |
2009-03-05 |
2009 Happy New Year-Disney World- Animal Kingdom, Florida
(177) |
2009-02-28 |
2008 Christmas- Disney World- Magic Kingdom, Florida
(158) |
2009-02-26 |
2008 Christmas- Disney World- Epcot, Florida
(119) |
2009-02-24 |
2008 Christmas- Disney World- Hollywood Studios, Florida
(267) |
2009-02-02 |
2008 Christmas-Caspersen Beach & Clearwater, Florida
(289) |
2009-01-29 |
2008 Christmas-Everglades National Park, Florida
(250) |
2009-01-28 |
2008 Christmas-Maimi & Key West, Florida
(228) |
2009-01-27 |
2008 Christmas-St. Augustine, Florida
(361) |
2009-01-27 |
2008 Christmas- SMF to ATL
(113) |
2009-01-26 |
2007-2008 New Year
(96) |
2008-12-22 |
2008 Christmas-Plan
(179) |
2008-12-12 |
2008 Thanksgiving-When the pants are falling
(154) |
2008-12-09 |
2008 Thanksgiving-When the sun is falling
(87) |
2008-12-08 |
2008 Thanksgiving-When the snow is falling
(102) |
2008-12-07 |
2008 Thanksgiving-When the dark is falling
(84) |
2008-12-05 |
2008 Thanksgiving-When the light is falling
(79) |
2008-11-19 |
2008 Thanksgiving-Plan
(135) |
2008-11-09 |
Jimmy, Bunny, or Donkey-2008 Halloween
(214) |
2008-10-28 |
(114) |
2008-10-18 |
(1020) |
2008-10-15 |
2008 秋 北海道跟團-小插曲
(312) |
2008-10-15 |
2008 秋 北海道跟團-新朋友
(1028) |
2008-10-15 |
2008 秋 北海道跟團-夜生活
(425) |
2008-10-15 |
2008 秋 北海道跟團-第五天
(318) |
2008-10-15 |
2008 秋 北海道跟團-第四天
(292) |
2008-10-15 |
2008 秋 北海道跟團-第三天
(405) |
2008-10-15 |
2008 秋 北海道跟團-第二天
(402) |